Thursday, October 14, 2010


6 Zulkaedah 1431H

Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lg Maha Penyayang ..

Alhamdulillah tdi pukul 11 pagi mak kesayanganku selamat sampai di Madinah al Munawwarah..
semoga Allah permudahkan sgala urusan dan ibadah emak , pakcik dan makcikku di sana

Pertama kali aku berjauhan dengan insan yg sangat ku sayangi... Rindu ,sedih, sayu, syukur bercampur baur..

Lantas membawaku mengembara jauh dalam kotak memoriku~

Swaktu aku masih kecil, mak selalu membelikanku buku mewarna dan barang permainan.. sebabnya mak tahu aku sgt suka benda-benda macam tu..
seingatku , ketika pulang dari tadika , mesti ada buku-buku yg baru .. cantik pula tu..

waktu aku sakit, makla orang yang paling mengambil berat tentangku..
walaupun pada waktu tengah malam , mak tetap mnjagaku... kadang-kadang tu, layanan dan belaian maklah yg paling banyak meredakanku..

Sains ialah subjek yg paling banyak eksperimen sepnjang tiga tahun pembelajaranku.. dan paling banyak persoalan yang timbul dalam mindaku. Lalu, pd maklah aku bertanya... mak jelaskan satu per satu sampai aku faham.. walaupun soalan yg sama diulang berkali-kali..
walaupun banyak kerja yg harus diselesaikan dengan secepat mungkin , mak tetap mengutamakan anaknya.. malah mak tetap tersenyum

setiap kali hujung minggu, mak mesti mengemas rumah.. walaupun kadang-kadang kami adik-beradik agak rimas melihat mak terlalu kuat bekerja , jauh di sudut hatinya, dia tidak mengharapkan apa-apa balasan dari anak-anaknya melainkan kejayaan hidup di dunia dan akhirat..

abang-abang dan kakakku belajar jauh dari rumah, jadi setiap kali mereka pulang bercuti , mak pasti dah siapkan bahan-bahan untuk memasak masakan kegemaran mereka.. dan stiap kali kalau kami berdua dapat menjamah makanan yang lazat-lazat , mesti mak tak bagi aku memberitahu anak-anaknya yg jauh..katanya "tak payah bagitau (kak / bangah / uteh) , kesian depa ,nanti teringin.." namun kadang-kadang aku tetap beritahu juga..

begitu juga ayam masak kicap mak yang sgt ku gemari.. mak selalu buat..

kadang-kadang waktu kami bersembang, mak selalu puji dan cerita balik tentang anak-anaknya.. samada kakak , bangah , uteh atau diriku..

mak sanggup susahkan dirinya semata-mata untuk kebahagiaan dan kesenangan kami 4 beradik.. dia selalu pamerkan wajah yang manis dan tidak pernah mengeluarkan kata-kata yang buruk terhadap kami..

ingat lagi aku akan pesan mak selepas abahku yg tercinta menghadap Ilahi..
"kita pun tak tahu bila kita nak pergi ... tapi mak minta sangat kalau mak dah nak pergi nanti, wudukkanlah mak.." tersentuhku mendengarnya.. insyaAllah mak.

Di sini, aku ingin mendedikasikan lagu-lagu ini untuk mak.. specially for my mother..
I’m feeling tired today
Left alone in the room hugging a pillow

Touching my phone distracted my mind

It’s lonely to eat tonight

Suddenly, i was frightened by the ringing phone
my mom’s worried voice asked if i’ve eaten
these words annoyed me but today it’s different
The forgotten promises are remembered

I will be a person with pretty heart
And become a person who is selfless
I’ll keep the love of my mother’s wishes
I think of mother who used to share my dreams and brush my hair

Though I’ve made hurtful wrong choices
You silently watched over me from behind
But now I think more than an innocent child
The meaning of mom’s silent prayers

I will be a person with pretty heart
And become a person who is selfless
I’ll keep the love of my mother’s wishes
I think of mother who used to share my dreams and brush my hair

What will i do, yet my heart is small
Can I do better without holding mother’s hand

I’m afraid that it will still lack
I’ll be a wise daughter of my mom (Give me the courage)
I will be a proud daughter no matter where I go (You’ve been there for me)
I’ll keep the love of my mother’s wishes
I’ll show endless love
I’ll have a warm heart
I’m shy to express to mom

That I really love my mom


I will return oh mother

And kiss your chaste head

And supress (blame?) my desires
And taste the scent of your blessings
Besmirch in the richness of your feet
my cheek when I meet you
Water the soil with my tears
Happy that you are alive

How many nights did you stay up late
So that I could sleep to my content?
And how many times did you thirst
So you could quench my thirst with your tenderness?
And one day I was ill, I do not forget
The tears from you that were like the rain
And your eyes which stayed awake
fearing that I may be in danger
And the day we parted at dawn
and Oh what a harsh dawn that was
Words cannot explain what
I felt when I abandoned you
And you told me things which I still
remember throughout my life
"You will never find a heart
more tender towards you than mine"
"You will never find a heart
more tender towards you than mine"


obedience to you, oh want of my life..
[is what] the God of existence has instructed me to do.
Your content is the secret of my success
And my love of you is the secret of my beleif
And the sincerety of your prayer [for me]..
has resolved my misfortunes and my sadness
My love towards you..
no human being loves anything like it
You are the beating of my heart
And you are what lights my vision
And you are the tune on my lips
My problems cease when I see your face
To you I do return oh mother
Tomorrow I rest from my journey
And a second age will begin for me
and the branches will blossom with flowers

Sami Yusuf - My Mother

Blessed is your face
Blessed is your name
My beloved
Blessed is your smile
Which makes my soul want to fly
My beloved
All the nights
And all the times
That you cared for me
But I never realised it
And now it’s too late
Forgive me

Now I’m alone filled with so much shame
For all the years I caused you pain
If only I could sleep in your arms again
Mother I’m lost without you

You were the sun that brightened my day
Now who’s going to wipe my tears away
If only I knew what I know today
Mother I’m lost without you

Ummahu, ummahu, ya ummi
wa shawqahu ila luqyaki ya ummi
Ummuka, ummuka, ummuka ummuka
Qawlu rasulika
Fi qalbi, fi hulumi
Anti ma’i ya ummi
Mother... Mother... O my mother
How I long to see O mother
“Your mother, Your mother, Your mother”
Is the saying of your Prophet
In my heart, in my dreams
You are always with me mother

Ruhti wa taraktini
Ya nura ‘aynayya
Ya unsa layli
Ruhti wa taraktini
Man siwaki yahdhununi
Man siwaki yasturuni
Man siwaki yahrusuni
‘Afwaki ummi
You went and left me
O light of my eyes
O comfort of my nights
You went and left me
Who, other than you, will embrace me?
Who, other than you, will cover me?
Who, other than you, will guard over me?
Your pardon mother, forgive me

" Ya Allah, ampuni segala dosa mak dan abahku , sayangilah mereka lebih dari mereka menyayangiku , masukkan mereka di kalangan hamba-hambaMu yang sentiasa bertaqwa dan mengingatiMu , yang Engkau redhai .. Himpunkanlah kami semula di dalam taman-taman SyurgaMu , seperti yang Engkau janji dalam kitab suciMu, di mana kami akan hidup bersama selama-lamanya di sisiMu tanpa berpisah. Amin Ya Allah "



  1. adik dini..sedih tau baca :((

  2. kak Azimah, trima kasih krana mmbaca... emm memangla kalau kenang balik.. huhu :)
